West Texas Trade helps you sell your excess capacity.


Does your business have the capacity to do more? Each day that passes with an empty seat at your restaurant or an open appointment slot at your practice can never be re-sold. If you can fill that space with a fellow business owner it creates a sale that you would otherwise never have had. If that sale is made through an organized trade organization you can spend the new revenue with a different business that is a member of the exchange. In other words, let’s say a local carpet cleaner needs an eye exam and new glasses. The optometrist takes care of the carpet cleaner and takes payment in trade dollars. The optometrist can then use those trade dollars to spend with a different member. The trade exchange acts as a clearing house for the transaction and the trade dollars are kept in a bank like account until the member purchases a product or service from another member.


Increase Profitability

Trade your excess capacity with other business owners and get what you need without using money from your cash sales.


100 Founding Members

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